Percentage to CGPA Calculator - Convert Percentage to CGPA Easily

Converting percentage to CGPA is crucial for students applying for higher studies or jobs. With different grading scales (4.0, 5.0, 10.0), conversion can be tricky. Our Percentage to CGPA Calculator makes it easy—just enter your percentage, select the scale, and get your CGPA instantly!

Percentage to CGPA Calculator

CGPA: --

What is CGPA?

CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) is a system used in schools, colleges, and universities to measure a student's academic performance. Unlike percentages, which provide exact marks, CGPA offers a summarized view of grades across all subjects.

Example: If a student has an 80% score, they need to convert it into CGPA based on their institution’s scale.

How to Convert CGPA to Percentage?

CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) is a common grading system used in schools and universities. However, different institutions use different CGPA-to-Percentage conversion formulas. Below are the most commonly used conversion methods for various grading scales.

10-Point CGPA Scale (Common in India)

Used in CBSE, UGC, and AICTE grading systems.

Percentage = CGPA × 9.5

Example: If CGPA = 8.5

Percentage = 8.5 × 9.5 = 80.75%

5-Point CGPA Scale (Common in Some Universities)

Used in some international universities.

Percentage = (CGPA ÷ 5) × 100

Example: If CGPA = 4.2

Percentage = (4.2 ÷ 5) × 100 = 84%

4-Point CGPA Scale (Common in the USA & Canada)

Used in North American universities.

Percentage = (CGPA ÷ 4) × 100

Example: If CGPA = 3.6

Percentage = (3.6 ÷ 4) × 100 = 90%

Why is CGPA Used Instead of Percentage?

CGPA is used instead of percentage because it offers the following advantages:

  • Standardized Grading: Makes academic evaluation fairer and more consistent across institutions.
  • Reduces Pressure: CGPA does not show exact marks, reducing stress on students.
  • Easy Comparison: Many universities and employers use CGPA for admission and job selection.
  • Better Evaluation: Focuses on overall student performance rather than just one exam.


Is CGPA different from GPA?

Yes! CGPA (Cumulative GPA) is the overall average of all semesters, while GPA (Grade Point Average) is for one specific semester.

Can CGPA be more than 10?

No, in most cases, CGPA is capped at 10 (i.e., 100% = 10.0 CGPA).

Is a CGPA of 7.5 good?

Yes! A CGPA of 7.5 translates to 71.25%, which is considered good in most universities.

How do I calculate CGPA for all subjects?

You need to take the sum of your subject-wise grade points and divide by the total number of subjects.

Which universities use CGPA instead of percentage?

Most universities worldwide, including CBSE, UGC, AICTE (India), USA, UK, Canada, and Australia, use CGPA or GPA instead of percentage.